Saturday, April 24, 2010

Water Fasting - Day 5

Energy levels were fairly even, but still low compared to a non-fasted state. A few times during the day I felt close to vomiting. Well, not really close but maybe a 6 out of 10.

This was the first day with absolutely no desire for food. It just was not there.

I have done some calculations, and there have been two out of the five days that I have consumed about 240 calories. This is just from some of the socializing I have had to do and not wanting to be "discovered". I guess, technically, it is not a water fast, but this is fine and suits my purposes well.

I don't think I have been getting enough water. My pee is a bright yellow and I haven't been pooping like I was told I would. I have even taken some senna to help the process but to no avail. I should adjusted my intake and it then should resolve itself nicely.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Water Fast - Day 4

Everything from Day 3 has carried over into Day 4, but it is slightly less intense and I feel a little dizzy. I feel like I am hovering between two worlds; I am tired but have this great energy, and both can’t seem to get along. There is some physical confusion.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Water Fast - Day 3

It is the end of the third day of my fast, and it is all suspiciously easy. I am not sure if I am drinking enough fluids but I have been drinking several cups of green tea to help keep me warm.

I have a few notes that may be of interest.

The Toothbrush: Your New Best Friend

Each sunrise has brought with it the most ungodly morning breath. If you plan on being active during your fast, or if you will be around others for extended periods of time, please do them a favor and bring your toothbrush along with a travel size tube of toothpaste. It might just make a difference in your daily life.

Along with the dragon breath, there is a thick coat to the tongue each morning. It is a very thick, mucus-like material. Your new best friend will help you out with that.

The coat on the tongue only seems to happen in the morning, but the breath rises from the dead every few hours. I have read that both will pass eventually during the fast. I am looking forward to it.

Energy Levels

I seemed to have an abundance of energy throughout the day. I was able to clean both bedrooms from top to bottom and get all of the laundry done, which surprised me. I planned on taking it easy and conserving energy, but if I have the energy, why not?

Diminished Focus

Today was the worst day so far concerning one’s ability to focus. It was difficult to gather the focus to just read. The attention or skill needed to perform physical tasks seem to quickly lose momentum. My mind processes seem to take a few seconds more to find their footing. It is a terrible environment for learning something new.

This too will pass before too long, but I need to be diligent to sit and see this as it arises. It cannot be taken for granted.


I have read on fasting websites that it may take up to two weeks for the bowels to begin a heavy clean-up process. I won’t be overly descriptive, but it seems that it may take a bit longer for me. I have always had a hard time pooping no matter how much water or fiber I get. I am taking some natural senna to help with the elimination process.


So far, the greatest benefit seems to be easier sleep. Not only is it easier to fall asleep, but it is much easier to wake in the morning. It is a very “clean” awakening with no remnants of the last night’s culinary indulgences. Going to sleep on a completely empty stomach might be of benefit to one that is not fasting, as well.

I also jumped on the scale this morning and I am down three pounds from when I started on Tuesday. I was expecting one pound a day so I am right on target.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Water Fast - Day 2

Nothing special to report today. Sleep has remained unaffected, and there is still no real desire for food.

My husband did, however, want to go to breakfast this morning. I found it odd that he would ask today of all days when he rarely does. But since he rarely does and with how starved for attention I have become I didn't want to tell him no for fear that he won't ask again.

He took me to Jamba Juice which was a great choice considering. I would have opted for an all-fruit smoothie but it was very cold outside and I knew that something cold would make me feel miserable (and we also drove there on the Harley so even colder still).

I broke the fast by choosing a bowl of their steel-cut oatmeal (contains soy milk) with a half of a banana and no brown sugar crumble (the brown sugar crumble contains milk so I wouldn't have had it anyway). The caloric content was a mere 240 and 3 grams of fat. That is all I will eat today and for my purposes this is okay.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Water Fasting

For the next 28 days I will be conducting an experiment. I am going to fast for the next four weeks. Not a juice fast or a 15-hour per day fast, but a water fast. Crazy you say? Read on.

Water Fasting

According to Wikipedia:

Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. A fast may be total or partial concerning that from which one fasts, and may be prolonged or intermittent as to the period of fasting.

In my case, it is an abstention from any and all food. Apart from water and tea.

I will eat no solid food, nor any calorie containing beverages for 28 days.


I have thought about doing this for some time, but always thought I had to prepare for a fast. Like every other species on the planet, the body is built for fasting and knows exactly what to do. You don't need to clean the house before the maid comes, and we don't need to have done anything in particular to prepare for fasting. The body Is prepared and never detoxes too quickly. It knows exactly what it's doing.

Over the past months I have been feeling sluggish, depressed, ugly and just not the person I was last summer. I think a lot of this has to do with the poor eating habits I have instilled out of boredom. I am thinking the fasting will give my body a chance to get all of the toxins out of my body and aid in the awareness that I should only put into my body what is life serving and life giving.

Writing the Experience

I will be posting here nearly every day as I go along, and I will be 100% honest about what is happening. Whatever may or may not arise, you’ll read about it.

I won’t say I’ll post every day, but if anything of significance – or apparent significance – arises, I’ll post it.

The Physical Results

I will be taking notes on any physical changes that may occur. (Some of these changes, I am sure, will be gross – or at least, unpleasant. But I’ll try not to gross anybody out!)

I am sure there will be a great change in my body, along with a “re-set” of how I crave food. Actually, I am very curious to see how many "re-sets" will occur.


Having supportive friends and family is important for most of us, especially when going through an experiment of this kind. Interestingly, I am choosing to keep a low profile for the next few weeks. One reason is I do not want any temptation. I am so much as posting my journal on this blog as oppose to a blog I typically use until the 28 days have ended. Once over, I will transfer the blog posts to my otherwise used blog.

It All Began Today

Day one of my twenty eight day water fast is nearly complete, and I have to say it was very pleasant and unexceptional.

I cannot say that today was in any way different from any other day. I functioned as I normally do, with no increase in hunger or desire for food.

There is a sense of physical freedom that comes from the absence of food. It is difficult to explain. There is no need for preparation, no need to decide what to eat, and no need to wait for anyone. One can move in any direction with no need to slow down for sustenance.

There was also an increase in focused energy today. Not necessarily a stimulant type of feeling, but more of an ease into attention. The body is still unsure about how to use this freed energy formerly spent in the act of digestion. I am really looking forward to where it settles.

This reminds me of reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In the various adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Watson explained that Holmes would never eat while in the middle of a case. He didn’t want to waste energy in any direction, and he felt food would be a detriment to his focus. I am beginning to understand what he meant.

I am barely underway with twenty seven days left to go. It is a very exciting time, and I look forward to whatever may come.

I am sure there will be more interesting happenings as time goes on, as we are just getting started. So stay tuned.